环境试验箱系统(恒温恒湿度光照培养箱)Environmental Chamber SWGC, Smart-Lab System, 10-60°C, 0-12.000/15.000 Lux, 30-95%, 432L / 864L
Environmental Chamber SWGC-1000, 864L
温度范围 10-60°C 容积:432L / 864L 光照度:0-12.000/15.000 Lux 3湿度:0-95% Humidity Smart-Lab System with 7"-Touchscreen 7“触摸屏智能实验室系统
4/8 Shelves made of PTFE-coated steel ; 4 / 8架由聚四氟乙烯涂层钢板
Order information:
SWGC-450 432L, 10-60°C, 0-12.000 Lux, 4 Shelves made of PTFE-coated steel, AC400V 3N~, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWGC60450 |
SWGC-1000, 864L, 10-60°C, 0-15.000 Lux, 8 Shelves made of PTFE-coated steel, AC400V 3N~, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWGC61000 |
强制对流培养箱Incubator SWIF, Smart-Lab System, Forced convection, 70°C, 50L / 105L / 155L
Incubator SWIF-105, 105L
温度范围:up to 70°C 容积:50L / 105L / 155L 对流方式:Forced convection强制对流 隔板:incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves 2块PTFE涂层的不锈钢架 控制器:Smart-Lab System with 4"-Touchscreen触摸屏实验室控制系统
Order information:
SWIF-50 50L, up to 70°C, Forced convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWIF03050 |
SWIF-105 105L, up to 70°C, Forced convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWIF03105 |
SWIF-155 155L, up to 70°C, Forced convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWIF03155 |
强制对流培养箱Incubator WIF, Forced convection, 70°C, 50L / 105L / 155L
Incubator WIF-105, 105L
温度范围:up to 70°C 容积50L / 105L / 155L 对流方式:Forced convection强制对流 隔板:incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves 2块 PTFE涂层的不锈钢架
Order information:
WIF-50 50L, up to 70°C, Forced convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIF03050 |
WIF-105 105L, up to 70°C, Forced convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIF03105 |
WIF-155 155L, up to 70°C, Forced convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIF03155 |
自然对流培养箱Incubator SWIG, Smart-Lab System, Gravity convection, 70°C, 32L / 50L / 105L / 155L
Incubator SWIG-105, 105L
温度范围:up to 70°C 容积:32L / 50L / 105L / 155L 对流方式:Gravity convection自然对流 隔板incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves 2块 PTFE涂层的不锈钢架 控制器Smart-Lab System with 4"-Touchscreen 4”触摸屏实验室系统
Order information:
SWIG-32 32L, up to 70°C, Gravity convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWIG03032 |
SWIG-50 50L, up to 70°C, Gravity convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWIG03050 |
SWIG-105 105L, up to 70°C, Gravity convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWIG03105 |
SWIG-155 155L, up to 70°C, Gravity convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.SWIG03155 |
自然对流培养箱Incubator WIG, Gravity convection, 70°C, 32L / 50L / 105L / 155L
Incubator WIG-105, 105L
温度范围:up to 70°C 容积:32L / 50L / 105L / 155L 对流方式:Gravity convection 自然对流 隔板:incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves 2块 PTFE涂层的不锈钢架
Order information:
WIG-50 32L, up to 70°C, Gravity convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIG03050 |
WIG-50 50L, up to 70°C, Gravity convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIG03050 |
WIG-105 105L, up to 70°C, Gravity convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIG03105 |
WIG-155 155L, up to 70°C, Gravity convection, incl. 2 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIG03155 |
多室强制对流培养箱Multi-Room Incubator WIM, Forced convection, 60°C, 4x152L
Incubator WIM-R4, 60°C
温度范围:60°C (WIM-R4, WIM-RL4) 容积:4x125L Rooms 4室x 125L 对流方式:Forced convection强制对流 照明:Illumination FRL 55Wx2 (x4) (WIM-RL4) 隔板:incl. 8 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves;8块 PTFE涂层的不锈钢架
Order information:
WIM-4 70°C, 4x125L, Forced convection, incl. 8 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIM04125 |
WIM-R4 60°C, 4x125L, Forced convection, Compressor in every room, incl. 8 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC400V 3N~, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIM16125 |
WIM-RL4 60°C, 4x125L, Forced convection, Compressor in every room, Illumination in every room, incl. 8 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC400V 3N~, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIM26125 |
强制对流低温培养箱Low-Temperature Incubator WIR, Forced Convection, 0-60°C, 150L / 250L / 420L / 700L
Incubator WIR-150, 150L
温度范围:0-60°C 容积:150L / 250L / 420L / 700L 对流方式:Forced Convection 隔板:incl. 3 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves;3 块 PTFE涂层的不锈钢架 制冷剂:CFC-free 无氟
Order information:
WIR-150 150L, 0-60°C, Forced Convection, incl. 3 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIR11150 |
WIR-250 250L, 0-60°C, Forced Convection, incl. 3 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIR11250 |
WIR-420 420L, 0-60°C, Forced Convection, incl. 3 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIR11420 |
WIR-700 700L, 0-60°C, Forced Convection, incl. 3 PTFE-coated stainless steel shelves, AC230V, 50/60Hz |
DH.WIR11700 |
振荡培养箱Shaking Incubator WIS-30 with Front door, 60°C / 10-60°C, 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion
Shaking Incubator WIS-30
温度范围:60°C / 10-60°C (refrigerated制冷型) 转速:30-250rpm 运动方式:Orbital Motion轨道运动 incl. Universal Platform 包括通用振荡台 制冷剂:CFC-free (WIS-30R)无氟 门:with Front door 前置 available Flask holder可用夹具:
- for 50-100ml FH100
- for 200-300ml FH250
- for 500-1000ml FH500
available Platform / Spring Rack可用的振荡器/弹簧夹具:
- Universal-Tablar SP630
- Universal Spring Rack SR530
Order information:
WIS-30 60°C, 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, incl. Universal Platform, with Front door, AC230V, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS03010 |
WIS-30R 10-60°C (refrigerated), 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, incl. Universal Platform, with Front door, AC230V, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS03011 |
恒温摇床Shaking Incubator WIS-20 with Top door, 60°C / 10-60°C, 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion
Shaking Incubator WIS-20
温度范围:60°C / 10-60°C (refrigerated制冷型) 转速:30-250rpm 运动方式:Orbital Motion轨道运动 incl. Universal Platform 包括通用平台 制冷剂:CFC-free (WIS-20R)无氟 门:with Top door顶置门 available Flask holder可用的夹具:
- for 50-100ml FH100
- for 200-300ml FH250
- for 500-1000ml FH500
available Platform / Spring Rack可用的弹簧夹具:
- Universal-Tablar SP600
- Universal Spring Rack SR500
Order information:
WIS-20 60°C, 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, incl. Universal Platform, with Top door, AC230V, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS03010 |
WIS-20R 10-60°C (refrigerated), 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, incl. Universal Platform, with Top door, AC230V, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS03011 |
光照恒温振荡摇床Shaking Incubator WIS-10 chest-type, 60°C / 10-60°C, 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, Illumination
Shaking Incubator WIS-10R
温度范围:60°C / 10-60°C (refrigerated制冷型) 转速:30-250rpm 运动方式:Orbital Motion轨道 incl. Universal Platform 包括通用平台 制冷剂:CFC-free (WIS-10R)无氟 chest-type 带光照with Illumination (FPL 55Wx4) (WIS-10RL) 温度记录仪Temperature-Recorder (optional可选) (WTH5105) available Flask holder夹具:
- for 50-100ml FH100
- for 200-300ml FH250
- for 500-1000ml FH500
available Platform / Spring Rack弹簧夹具:
- Universal-Tablar SP610
- Universal Spring Rack SR510
Order information:
WIS-10 60°C, 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, incl. Universal Platform, chest-type, AC230V, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS01010 |
WIS-10R 10-60°C (refrigerated), 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, incl. Universal Platform, chest-type, AC230V, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS01011 |
WIS-10RL 10-60°C (refrigerated), 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, incl. Universal Platform, chest-type, with Illumination, AC230V, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS01012 |
低温多层振荡培养箱Refrigeratede Multi-Stack Shaking Incubator, 10-60°C, 30-250rpm, Orbital Motion, 2/4 Stacks
Multi-Stack Shaking Incubator WIS-ML04
温度范围:10-60°C (refrigerated制冷型) 转速:30-250rpm 振荡方式:Orbital Motion轨道 incl. Universal Platform包括通用平台 制冷剂:CFC-free无氟 2/4 Stacks 层 available Flask holder夹具:
- for 50-100ml FH100
- for 200-300ml FH250
- for 500-1000ml FH500
available Platform / Spring Rack弹簧夹具:
- Universal-Tablar SP620
- Universal Spring Rack SR520
Order information:
WIS-ML02 2 Stacks, 10-60°C (refrigerated), 30-250rpm, incl. Universal Platform, AC230V, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS05002 |
WIS-ML04 4 Stacks, 10-60°C (refrigerated), 30-250rpm, incl. Universal Platform, AC400V, 3N~, 50/50Hz |
DH.WIS03004 |