ETT-KF787 卡尔费休水分测定仪(容量法)
中文显示滴定过程,可进行中英文输入、输出。 彩色液晶屏显示,图形化界面,操作简洁方便,易于掌握;触摸屏输入,只需轻轻点击便能够独立完成繁杂的检测过程。 全封闭设计的滴定台,能自动更换溶剂,避免化学试剂与人体的接触。 根据实验的环境条件,可以设置“自动”或“手动”漂移值背景扣除,确保分析结果更为准确。 滴定结果可按GLP/GMP要求格式输出,并对存储的滴定结果进行统计分析,可连接中、英文微*型打印机,打印出结果报告。 随机配有滴定监*控软件,可监*控全部滴定过程,并通过该软件进行版本升级。 可应用于制药行业、食品、地质化工、石油化工、日用化工、农业、环保、水处理等诸多行业的质量检验或科研教学。
测量系统 测量范围 极化电压 0~±2500mv 极化电流 0~200uA 分辨率 极化电压 0.01mv 极化电流 0.01uA
滴定管 1ml、5ml、10ml、20ml 分辨率 1/20000滴定管体积 绝对误差(5ml滴定管以上≤3ul)
接口 2个USB口 2个RS232接口 2个TTL接口 1个Ethernet接口 1个CAN总线接口
性能 10ppm~100%含水量样品 分辨率1ug水 精密度RSD<0.3%(5mg以上水)
Chinese display the titration process can be in both Chinese and English input and output. Color LCD display, graphical user interface, simple and convenient operation, easy to grasp; touch screen input, just a few clicks will be able to independently accomplish complex testing process. The fully enclosed design of the titration units, automatic replacement of the solvent, to avoid the chemical reagents and human contact. According to the environmental conditions of the experiment can be set to "automatic" or "manual" drift value of the background, net, and ensure more accurate results of the analysis. The titration results according to GLP / GMP requirements format output, and storage of titration results of statistical analysis, can be connected to the English mini-printer, print out a report on the results. Random with titration monitoring software can monitor all the titration process, and through the software upgrade. Quality testing or research and teaching can be applied to the pharmaceutical industry, food, geological, chemical, petrochemical, household chemicals, agriculture, environmental protection, water treatment and many other industries.
Technical Specifications:
Measurement system Measuring range Polarization voltage 0 ~ ± 2500mv Polarization current 0 ~ 200uA Resolution Polarization voltage 0.01mv Polarization current 0.01uA
Burette 1ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml Resolution 1/20000 of buret volume Absolute error (5ml burette above ≤ 3ul)
Interface 2 USB port 2 RS232 interface 2 TTL interface An Ethernet interface A CAN bus interface
Performance 10ppm ~ 100% moisture content samples Resolution 1ug water Precision RSD <0.3% (5mg above water)
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