Viscometer type 粘度范围Measuring Range (cP) L 2 - 200.000 R 38 - 3.300.000 H 300 - 26.660.000
Sample volume样品量: from 8 to 13 ml, depending on the spindle used.
Small Sample Adapters
Features The small sample adapter consists of a cylindrical sample chamber and coaxial spindles, designed for flawless, accurate viscosity measurements of small volumes. Cylindrically designed for shear measurements (Splidles supplied separately).
Small sample adapter works with special spindes TR for R and H viscometer type and TL for L viscometer type. Spindles have to be ordered separately.
The sample chamber fits into a flowjacket so that precise temperature control can be achieved when used with a thermostatic bath. Direct read out of sample temperature is provided using sample chambers with embedded temperature probe.
Flowjacket APM allows the user to control the temperature in the adapter externally using the attached silicone tubes to connect the LCP tothebath.
APM/B without the flow jacket allows the user to control the temperature introducing the accessory chamber into the bath tank.